Volunteering and Funding

Find out more about the volunteering and funding options in Merseyside & Halton

 Veolia supports the community we operate within through regular volunteering

Do you need a team of volunteers to help with a project? This could be a range of activities such as a community gardening project, a litter pick or painting a community hall.   

Veolia offers all of our employees time off to volunteer at a project of their choice, we're always looking for new opportunities to get involved with.

Please contact us by completing the form below if you require volunteers to support your project and we'll get back in touch to organise a volunteering team to visit your project. 



The Veolia Environmental Trust supports a wide range of community and environmental projects.

The Trust uses tax credits supplied by Veolia to award grants through the Landfill Communities Fund to projects across England and Wales. 

The Veolia Environmental Trust was established in 1997 under the Landfill Communities Fund.

The trust supports a wide range of community and environmental projects throughout England and Wales. The money used for grants is made available through the Fund. Veolia has supported this initiative by contributing over £74 million since the Trust was established, which to date has been used to award over 2,000 grants to projects.

Applications are reviewed by the Trustees who make up our Board of Directors. They meet quarterly to consider applications and decide which projects should be supported.


You need to submit an application that does justice to your project and highlights how it is going to make a real difference to people’s lives or the environment.

The process of applying for funding is in three stages – 1. Know, 2. Prepare and 3. Apply. Links to these three stages can be found on on Veolia Environmental Trust's website, click here to be redirected.