Veolia secure markets for the material recovered from kerbside recycling schemes and Recycling Centres in the region.
Once recycling material has been sorted and separated it is sent to a range of reprocessing companies who use the materials to produce new items that include everything from home insulation products to producing tomorrow’s new newspapers.
The vast majority of the recyclable material sorted at Merseyside's Materials Recovery Facilities remains within the UK, reprocessed into quality recycled products.
A small proportion of Merseyside and Halton’s materials are exported internationally in compliance with stringent market export requirements, to approved facilities ensuring the management of our materials to the highest standards. The destinations for recovered recyclable materials changes regularly according to market demands, below shows what happens to the materials, and where they are most often transported to.

St Helens, North West England, UK
Turned into glass cullet used in the production of glass insulation products. Recovered glass is currently sent to Veolia’s reprocessing plant.

Flintshire and North West England, UK
High grade paper is recycled into new newspapers, magazines and pamphlets paper stock. Mixed paper is pulped and recycled into lower grade paper products.

North West & South East England, UK. Occasional Europe & International Export
Pulped and recycled into new cardboard packaging products, lower grade paper products and animal bedding.

South Yorkshire and Midlands, UK
Recovered cans are reprocessed by melting to remove impurities and made into steel and steel products.

North West England and London, UK
Aluminium cans are shredded and then melted down and recycled back into aluminium products ranging from new cans to aeroplanes.

South East England, UK
Recycled to produce numerous products including new bottles, pipes, fibres, food trays etc. Plastic bottles are predominantly sent for reprocessing in Veolia’s own plastics recovery and recycling facilities.